Again I will be stepping into the shoe of Issac Clarke, whom once again will go through the path of survival horrow (again) and continue from where the game left off. And this time the stage is set on a densely populated metropolis... Last time it is on a spaceship and now it is a CITY!!! Damn more aliens to cope with......
While I will be scaring my shit out of myself..... I will probably enjoy doing:
Floating in space while looking so damn cool...
Start killing used-to-be-human after they alienified... with creative dismemberment technique
Hanging upside-down and dismemberment more (old & new) aliens...
Perharp learn how to cook....
Show those naughty kids what I will do to them when they misbehave!!!
Look I even provide a YOUTUBE video for visual demostration!
Enjoy yeah!!!
And I wish all reader a Happy Chinese New Year!!!